B3 Episode 117- Vladentine's Month - Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
We enter the 21st century with another Dracula retelling for the third week of Vladentines Month, Shadow of the Vampire (2000). Based on the urban legend of the actor Max Shrecks iconic turn as the bloodthirsty Count Orlock played with absolute perfection by Willem Defoe.
Also discussed: Visiting The Akron Haunted Schoolhouse for Cupid's Revenge.
Rae unfortunately escapes to The Woods (2022) for this weeks Tubi or Not Tubi.
Up Next: Nosferatu (2024)
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 116- Vladentine's Month - Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula (1992)
Of all of Vladentines Month's, this week's selection is the most romantic. We discuss bad wigs, even worse accents, and some of the most memorable romantic dialogue in Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula (1992).
Ween is sent to the principal's office with this week's Tubi or Not Tubi, Deadly Detention (2017).
Up Next: Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
What We're Watching
Akron Haunted Schoolhouse - Cupids Revenge
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 115- Vladentine's Month - Dracula (1931)
We enter the second month of our year of directors with...vampire movies? Yes, it's the month of love and sex, so why not pay homage to the OG heartbreaker, Vlad Dracul. We begin with Tod Browning's 1931 Dracula, starring the hunky Hungarian Bela Lugosi.
Rae reviews The Pizzagate Massacre for Tubi or Not Tubi
Up Next: Bram Stoker's Dracuila
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 114 - John Carpenter month - Prince of Darkness (1987)
Watch out, listeners or Su-Satan will squirt Ecto Cooler directly into your mouth! We struggle through our last selection for Carpentuary, Prince of Darkness (1987). With an absolutely convoluted plot, Alice Cooper shivving people with a bike, and a space alien demon antichrist erupting from hell, this movie is a journey.
Ween covers Straight Edged Keggers for Tubi or Not Tubi
Up Next: Dracula (1931)
What We're Watching:
Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 113 - John Carpenter month - The Fog (1980)
We continue with John Carpenter month - Carpenuary - with the 1980's, The Fog. We both enjoyed the heck out of this goofy supernatural starring Tom Atkins, Adrienne Barbeau, Janet Leigh, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Hal Holbrook. Also, is it in TA's contract to be a crippling alcoholic with a penchant for road sodas in every movie?
Rae covers Twinsanity for this weeks Tubi or Not Tubi
Up Next: Prince of Darkness
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 112 - John Carpenter month - They Live! (1988)
Carpenter January! Carptenry! This week, we WRESTLE Carpenter's 1988 They Live, starring Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David. This classic is known for its one-liners, 6.5 minute fight scene, and iconic messages.
Ween covers Blood Clots for Tubi or Not Tubi this week!
Up Next: The Fog
What We're Watching:
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - WWE
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 111 - John Carpenter month - The Thing (1982)
We've started our year of directors, with..drum roll...John Carpenter. For the selections of films of Carpenter we will be showcasing, we begin with the masterpiece, The Thing. With an amazing cast and a parlor-like mystery, this film will keep you guessing with its perfectly ambiguously ending.
Rae covers Man Thing for Tubi or Not Tubi this week!
Up Next: They Live
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 110 - Tis the Season - Santas Slay (2005)
We finish up the 2024 holiday season with the absolutely hysterical, Santas Slay (2005) with Bill Goldberg. It's an absolute delightful 80 minute splatstick bad santa tale which also stars Robert Culp, Fran Drescher, Chris Kattan, and James Caan!
Ween covers Saturday the 14th for Tubi or Not Tubi this week!
Up Next: The Thing!
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 109 - Tis the Season - Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991)
We end the franchise on a high note with Martin Kritosser's Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker, with screen legend Mickey Rooney as the titular toy maker. Just as horny as the other entries in this series and back to form with the goofiness.
Rae reviews Stuart Gordon's 1991 Dagon for Tubi or Not Tubi
Up Next: Santas Slay (with Goldberg!)
What We're Watching:
We are both addicted to Game Grumps
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 108 - Tis the Season - Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990)
The celebration of the season continues with the movie in which Rae continually forgets that it was supposed to be set at Christmas. Have you ever wanted to see Clint Howard have sex? Well, if that's a yes, there's Brian Yuzna's 1990 offering, Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation. With special effects by Screaming Mad George, this is an absolute baffling watch.
Ween reviews Banshee Chapter for #TubiorNotTubi this week.
Up Next: Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toymaker
What We're Watching:
Up Next: Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 107 - Tis the Season - Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out!
Remember how happy we were last week? Our emotions have taken a nose dive with Monte Hellman's Silent Night Deadly Night: Better Watch Out! (1989). Between weird incestual undertones to an orange juice-filled brain case, only one-third of the cast was in on the joke.
Ween reviews Banshee Chapter for this weeks #tubiornottubi
Up Next: Silent Night, Deadly Night: Initiation
What We're Watching:
Game Grumps: Doki Doki Literature Club Run Thru
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 106 - Tis the Season - Silent Night, Deadly Night 1 & 2
It's a two-fer this week! Because Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is mostly scenes from the 1st movie, we decided to combine the two into one larger episode. Never has there been a more exciting GARBAGE DAY.
Ween reviews #DrGiggles for #TubiornotTubi for this week
What We're Watching:
University Circle - Holiday in the Circle
Up Next: Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 105 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
We finally finished the NOES franchise with Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994). Rae was recovering from surgery, a little high, and a little drunk, so she barely remembers the plot - Ween does a fantastic job trying to piece the plot together.
We discuss why NOES is a fan favorite, its cultural importance, and the series' ranking.
Rae reviewed Polonia Films, Robowars (Robot Wars), for #TubiornotTubi
Up next: Silent Night, Deadly Night 1&2
What We're Watching/Experiencing
The Ledges at Cuyahoga Valley
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 104 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare (1991)
We are so close to the end, Friends. At this point, the franchise has completely gone off the rails, and no one has control over Robert Englund. With cameos from Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold, Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare (1991) nightmare pile in a sadness bowl (IYKYK).
Ween reviews Dollman vs Demonic Toys for this weeks #TubiornotTubi
Up Next: New Nightmare
What we're listening to:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 103 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child (1989)
We are nearing the end of our NOES retrospective with the last of our 'original' Elm Street kids connection for Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. The story is a mess, but the artistic design is excellent. Rae actually has nice things to say this week!
Rae also reviews Killjoy (2000) for this weeks #TubiornotTubi
Up Next: Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 102 - It's our 3rd Anniversary! - Red State (2011)
Two very exciting events are happening this week: THE UNITED STATES ELECTION AND WE ARE FREAKING OUT...oh, and we celebrated our 3rd anniversary. For our anniversary, we usually review a movie that's close to us, and we chose Kevin Smith's almost unattainable (or so we thought) dramatic horror, Red State. We also wrap up with our year-end superlatives and rank the franchises we've ever covered.
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 101 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master (1988)
We're halfway done! This week, we cover the 4th installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street, Dream Master, directed by Renny Harlin. This movie is an awful mess, but, much to Rae's dismay, the top-billed Robert Englund takes Freddy out for a 'comedic stroll.' Can you hear Rae's eye roll from there?
Up Next: Our 3rd Anniversary!
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 100 - Celebrating with South Park!!
It's here! The 100th episode hath arrived, and we are 'treatin' ourselves' with four Halloween episodes of South Park that are near and dear to our hearts. To celebrate this occasion, we are joined by our returning guest host, Scarlet, to break it down! Buckle up, guys; it's a long one - plus spooky trivia!
Up Next: NOES 4: The Dream Master
What We're Watching/Listening To:
RATATATA by BABYMETAL & Electric Callboy
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 99 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Spin up the Dokken and get ready to fight Freddy with the Dream Warriors! We move ever closer to our 100th and deeper into this franchise by dissecting NOES 3: Dream Warriors. We are getting quippy with it (Freddy is...Rae has nothing to do with puns).
Rae covers Come out and Play for #TubiOrNotTubi
Up Next: 100th Episode!!!
What We're Watching/Listening:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 98 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Up this week, the atrocious Michael Bay-produced remake that no one asked for, 2010's Nightmare on Elm Street, a film that took what 84 did so well and churned out a neutered and self-serious entry into the franchise.
Ween covers Clown for #TubiornotTubi
Up Next: Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warrior
What We're Watching:
Menedez Brother: Monsters or Misjudged?
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 97 - DONT.FALL.ASLEEP - Nightmare on Elm Street (84)
The day hath arrived! We begin breaking down Ween's favorite horror franchise, Nightmare on Elm Street (NOES), starting with the OG, NOES (1984). Rae will work on keeping some opinions to herself except when delivering the smackdown on our #tubiornottubi selection, Beneath Us All.
Up Next: NOES (2010)
What We're Watching
American Murder: Laci Peterson
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 96 - Back to School! - Paranorman (2015)
We close out "Back to School" month with the utterly fantastic Paranorman (2015). Norman doesn't fit in - no one wants anything to do with him except for the dead townsfolk continually bending his ear. This was a winner for us - would absolutely recommend.
Ween regales us with her review of Empathy, Inc for #tubiornottubi
What We're Watching
Stephon Johnson (aka Snack Daddy)
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 95 - Back to School! - Monster House (2006)
We continue to celebrate Back to School with Gil Kenan's 2006 animated kids horror, Monster House. We had a few issues with the storyline and some side characters, but overall, it was an enjoyable watch.
Rae also covers Pollen (2023) for #TubiornotTubi
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 94 - Back to School! - Goosebumps (2015)
We continue on with Back to School month with the delightful kid's comedy horror Goosebumps (2015). While the CGI isn't the best, check your brain at the door and enjoy this fast-paced fun movie.
Ween covers "Pillow Party Massacre" for #tubiornottubi
What We're Watching
CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 93 - Back to School! - Beetlejuice (1988)
Guys, we've peaked! Pack it in, we're done. Kidding! We celebrate Back to School with some kid's horror this month, starting with a show favorite, Beetlejuice (1988). Tim Burton's comedic horror is helmed by Michael Keaton as the titular, Beetlejuice. It's a love fest in this episode, with lots of quoting and drooling over Delia Deetz's wardrobe.
Rae reviews The Family (2021) for this weeks Tubi or not Tubi.
Check out our YouTube for more reviews!
Up Next: Goosebumps (2015)
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 92 - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - Covenant (2017)
We've reached the end, y'all. It's been an enjoyable journey, at least for Rae. We close out the franchise with Rotten Rid's 2017 entry, Covenant. The practical is awesome, M-Fass is back, and wonderful Katherine Waterston added to the mix.
We rank the whole franchise and there's only been one real stinker. Check out our YouTube for more reviews!
Up Next: Beetlejuice
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 91 - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - Prometheus (2012)
We see the light at the end of the tunnel! We are rounding the final bend on our Alien franchise retrospective with Ridley Scott's 2012 opus, Prometheus. With an amazingly stacked cast, this film puts the entire franchise into motion with Michael Fassbender as Michael, Charlize Theron as Vickers, and Noomi Rapace as Shaw. Remember Idris with his accordion! We also discuss which of us on the podcast will be the first to f#$k a synthetic, Michael's hair bleaching routine, and EVERYTHING IS STILL WET! Also, thank you to Zac at Ohio Terror Con for letting us join you this year!
Up Next! Alien: Covenant
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 90 - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - Alien Resurrection (1997)
We've hit the midway point in our Alien franchise retrospective with Jean-Pierre Jeunet's, Alien Resurrection (1997). While more visually exciting than Alien3, it's a bit of a mess. Starring Winona Ryder, Dan Hadeya, Brad Douriff, Michael Wincott, and a very reluctant Sigourney Weaver - who said she signed on after the dump truck of money was backed onto her lawn.
Up Next: Prometheus
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 89 - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - Aliens3 (1992)
We are venturing farther into the frontier with the 1992 absolute snorefest entry into the Alien franchise with David Fincher's (!), Alien3. Sigourney is an exec producer, Finchers first feature film, and can someone point me to Paul McCann?
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 88 - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - Aliens (1986)
For this episode of the second offering of the Alien franchise, Aliens (1986), Ween's boyfriend, aptly named' Boyfriend', joins us. We were so lucky to have Boyfriend join us, as he's a font of information when it comes to movies he's watched in the double digits. We discuss childbirth, everything being covered in milk, and the mysterious and elusive cl#toris.
What We're Watching
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
The Man With a Thousand Kids
Boyfriend describes how to make the perfect margarita!
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 87 - In Space Nobody Can Hear You Scream - Alien (1979)
It's franchise time again! We are embarking on a journey to the final frontier—space! To prepare for the upcoming August release of Alien: Romulus, we are breaking down each movie in this series, starting with the 1979 classic from Ridley Scott, Alien.
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 86 - For the real Foodies out there - The Menu (2022)
This one should be interesting...it was a long day podcasting and Rae is already in the bag. Enjoy the lovefest for the 2022 understated film based on haute cuisine, the Menu, from director Mark Mylod. Starring Anna Taylor Joy, Nicolas Hoult, and Ralph Fiennes, this is a slow burn that leads to a weirdly satisfying conclusion. Also, for Tubi or not Tubi, Ween discusses the 2024 tubi flix, Clickbait: Unfollowed
Up Next: Aliens
Tubi or Not Tubi: Trucks
What We're Watching:
David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 85 - Celebrating 'Murica - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
We are still celebrating 'Murica with a movie depicting one our favorite Presidents, Honest Abe, but if Lincoln also hunted vampires. We both generally enjoyed this; for a bloody action movie, you could do worse! Also, buckle up because the wine starts hitting Rae by the end.
Up Next: The Menu
Watch We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 84 - Celebrate 'Murica, with Uncle Sam (1996)
Is there no other 4th of July horror besides this? Oy Vey, this was one for the books. We had a good time talking about it, but boy howdy, was it awful to watch. We reviewed Larry Cohen and Bill Lustig's 1996, horror parody, Uncle Sam, where a gulf war veteran comes back from the grave to kill, everyone but his nephew. Which, gross movie.
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 83 - They Cloned Tyrone (2023)
We chose something this week that came up randomly, and fate has delivered it! Is this one of my favorite movies that we've watched this year? Quite possibly. Hollywood, you are leaving money on the table by not casting John Boyega in EVERYTHING.
Up Next: Uncle Sam
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 82 - Celebrate Pride! The Hunger (1983)
Well guys, we finally tackled the one movie on EVERY F@#@ING #GAYHORROR LIST. We were underwhelmed, to be honest. Come (heh) for the Bowie and stay for the Catherine Deneuve. The ending ruined this movie, which, let's all be honest, this was one big new wave music video.
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 81 - Celebrate Pride! - Slay (2024)
We open #PRIDE month with the new release, Slay (2024), a Tubi Original release. Four drag queens, booked at the wrong venue, win over an unfriendly crowd when they become the dive bar's defenders against a vampire attack. We are joined by one of our favorite guest hosts, Will! Also, get yourself a Bidet, people!
What We're Watching:
The Sunset Project with Broadway Bob
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
Rae's Vacay Re-Release! Halloween 6 - Baby Paul Rudd!
Rae's out this week so we decided to re-release a listener (and host) favorite! Enjoy the moment when Ween and Rae realize they had different endings for Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers. Also, revel in props found at Michaels, Rae realizing that Michael fathered his nephew/son, and discovering that this is unfortunately, Donald Pleasance's last film.
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 80 - Hitchcock Month #2 - Suspicion (1941)
Hitch follows up his American debut with the Cary Grant/Joan Fontaine offering, Suspicion. There's not much to say about this movie - it was fantastic until the last 2 minutes. All because Cary Grant can't be a bad dude.
Up Next: Slay
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 79 - Hitchcock Month #2 - Rebecca (1940)
#hitchcockmonth continues with Hitch's American debut, 1940's Rebecca, which stars Lawrence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. Rebecca is a new take on Jane Eyre and has connections to Citizen Kane; it's an absolute recommend from us.
Up Next: Suspicion (1941)
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 78 - Hitchcock Month #2 - Jamaica Inn (1939)
Hitchcock Month #2 soldiers on with the horrific Jamaica Inn, the first film adaptation of Daphne De Maurier's novel of the same name. Starring Maureen O'Hara and Charles Laughton, while dealing with horrific subject manner, Hitch's adaptation is a recommend but not a true reflection of the novel.
Up Next: Rebecca
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 77 - Hitchcock Month #2 - The Lady Vanishes (1938)
We're delving back into Hitchcock for our second month in our retrospective year. These are some of our favorite episodes: The Lady Vanishes (1938), included. This movie might as well be called Gaslighting: the movie, and we love every minute of it. It's a recommend from us.
Up Next: Jamaica Inn
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 76 - GHOSTBUSTERS MONTH - Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Hello listeners! We are wrapping up our Ghostbusters retrospective with Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021), which follows the offspring of Egon Spengler as they discover their connections to the original ghost-busting team while fighting a very old foe in the plains of Oklahoma.
Up Next: The Lady Vanishes
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 75 - GHOSTBUSTERS MONTH - Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (2016)
We are continuing our Ghostbusters retrospective with 2016's Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. And yes, this movie is part of the franchise. We don't care what you think. Get ready for the love fest (at least from Rae initially) as it's a recommend from us.
Up Next: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
What We're Watching
They Called Him Mostly Harmless
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 74 - GHOSTBUSTERS MONTH - Ghostbusters 2 (1989) - w/guest host Veronica!
We continue our Ghostbusters franchise retrospective with the second installment, Ghostbusters 2 (1989). This is a three-thumbs-down slog, but Rae will watch this dumb movie every time she comes across it on cable.
What We're Watching
The Last Drive in with Joe Bob Briggs Tribute to Roger Corman
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 73 - GHOSTBUSTERS MONTH - The O.G. Ghostbusters (1984) - w/guest host Veronica!
We 'celebrate' the newest Ghostbusters release with a retrospective of all the films in the franchise. We start the month with the original and best (in Rae's opinion), Ghostbusters (1984). To help us break this down, we welcome Veronica from the @chicklitbookclubpodcast. Buckle up bitches, because this is Rae's favorite movie of all time.
Up Next: Ghostbusters 2 (1989)
What We're Watching:
Quiet on the Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 72 - Celebrating Women in Horror! The Love Witch (2016)
This week is a weird one. The ladies are divided but, at times, agree. This movie, "The Love Witch (2016)," needed editing—really bad. Overall, it's a recommendation.
Up Next: Ghostbusters (1984)
What We're Watching:
Hell Camp: Teenage Nightmare
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 71 - Celebrating Women in Horror! Tigers are not Afraid (2018)
Buckle up and grab the tissues because it's a devastatingly beautiful one with Issa Lopez's 2018 Tigers Are Not Afraid. There are trigger warnings this week for child death, gang warfare, and school shootings. The ladies will contend that this one, while being sad, is hauntingly beautiful. It's an absolute recommend.
Up Next: The Love Witch (2016)
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 70 - Celebrating Women in Horror! Glorious (2022)
We journey on with Celebrating Women in Horror Month with Rebekah McKendry's Shudder Original, Glorious (2022). As a mostly one-hander with the kinda amazing Ryan Kwanten, this movie has everything: existential crisis, apocalypse crisis, body horror, and black comedy. Wes (Kwanten) finds a lonely God in a national park toilet, you know, an everyday occurrence...
Up Next: Tigers Are Not Afraid
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 69 - Celebrating Women in Horror! The Wind (2018)
We start out #CelebrateWomen month with an isolationist folk horror from 2018, The Wind. The Wind has a small cast of 5 characters and will keep you thinking and guessing long after it ends.
Up Next: Glorious (2022)
What We're Watching:
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 68 - Celebrating Black Horror Month! Attack the Block (2011)
We round out our month celebrating black horror with the amazing sci-fi horror comedy, Attack the Block (2011). Attack the Block stars a baby Finn from Star Wars and a young Doctor Who. When an alien invasion hits one particular block in London on Guy Fawkes Day, it's up to a ragtag group of teens to defend their unsuspecting neighbors.
Up Next: The Wind (2018)
What We're Watching:
Love on the Spectrum - Australia
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 67 - Celebrating Black Horror! - His House (2020)
This week we delve into Netflix 2020 original horror, His House, starring Sope Dirisu (Mr. Malcolm's List) and Wumni Mosaku (Lovecraft Country, Loki). The movie tells the story of a Sudanese immigrant couple trying to assimilate into life in the UK while being haunted by the thing that has followed them ashore.
Up Next: Attack the Block
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 66 - Celebrating Black Horror Month - The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster (2023)
For our second weekly installment celebrating Black Horror, we delight in the 2023 Shudder exclusive, The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster. Expertly shot with just the perfect amount of gore and suspense, ABGHM offers an inventive reimagining of the Frankenstein tale by asking the question, is it possible to cure death? Brilliantly acted, well-paced, and with such depth of meaning, this is a two-thumbs way up from us.
Next Time: His House
What We're Watching:
The Flash (2023) (Don't hate Rae)
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 65 - Celebrating Black Horror Month - Nanny (2022)
First off, lets just put this out there - Nanny (2022) is not a horror movie. Is it a fantastic movie that you should watch and support? Absolutely. Should it be labeled as horror? Absolutely not. We delve into this fantasy folkstory and lose our minds over the stunning Anna Diop as the titular, Nanny, by first time director/writer Nikyatu Jusu.
Next Time: The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
What We're Watching:
Caitlin Doughty - Ask A Mortician
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 64: Hitchcock Month #1 - Young and Innocent (1937)
We close out our first Hitchcock month, with the excellent Young and Innocent. While it may just be over the line of appropriate for our horror podcast, we loved every minute of this romantic suspense.
Up next:
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
What We're Watching
CatFished (Social Catfished)
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 63: Hitchcock Month #1 - Murder! (1930)
We continue our first Hitchcock month with the 1930's murder mystery, Murder! Between Plex's lack of competent of subtitles, overbearing (at times) soundtrack, and the film just going black at different times, this was not an enjoyable watch for either lady. #horrorfam #horrorcommunity #hitchcock #murder1930 #horrormovies
Up Next: Young and Innocent (1937)
What We're Watching
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 62: Hitchcock Month! Blackmail! (1929)
Hitchcock month #1 continues with Blackmail! (1929). The ladies enjoy this disputed 'first talking picture in England'. The ladies discuss the amazing filmmaking and sound techniques used, the amazing performance of Anny Ondra, or what's with Hitchcock finding the creepiest male side characters.
Up Next: Murder!
What We're Watching/Reading
Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light by Patrick McMilligan
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 61: Hitchcock Month! The Lodger (1927)
We start a deep dive into Hitchcock with his first horror/suspense silent film 1927's The Lodger. The ladies crush on Ivor Novello pretty hard and wax poetic about one of the sexiest sexless scenes put to film. We discovered that we have a lot to cover with these films, so we'll be breaking them down one movie per episode.
Up Next: Blackmail! (1929)
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 60: A Very Covid Christmas - Rare Exports (2010) and Better Watch Out (2016)
We finish up our Holiday Spirits Month on a high note (selection-wise - health wise...we are struggling). We review the highly lauded, Finnish film (our first international!), Rare Exports, about evil Santa and Better Watch Out (2016) a home invasion horror that's not what it seems. Poor Ween is struggling with her 2nd bout of Covid and Rae wants 2024 to get here already.
Up Next! We start our first foray into a Hitchcock Retrospective!
The Lodger
What We're Watching
The Man. Who Invented Christmas
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 59: It's the Holiday Season! Dark "Comedy" Galore! Silent Night (2021) and It's A Wonderful Knife (2023)
We start the holiday month with two dark 'comedies': Silent Night (2021) and It's A Wonderful Night (2023). One is truly funny and the other...utterly depressive? So grab a hot cocoa, santa hat, and fuzzy slippers and join us for the first half of our holiday celebration!
Up Next!
Rare Exports
Better Watch Out
What We're Watching
Where to Find us:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 58 - Hang up those PSL's its the end of Folk Horror month! Midsommar (2019) and the Witch (2015)
We end the month with two A24 selections, 2019's Midsommar and The Witch (2015). This studio does it right knocking it out of the park with their 'elevated' horror. The symbolism and small touches put these movies in another league. At least, 1/2 of our podcast thinks so - you'll just have to listen to figure out who!
Up Next:
It's a Wonderful Knife (2023)
Silent Night (2021)
What We're Watching:
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 57 - Folk Horror Month! Blood on Satans Claw (1971) and Witchfinder General (1968)
We're 'celebrating' Folk horror month with Blood on Satan's Claw (1971) and Witchfinder General (1968). Some of the podcast are okay with the choices, others...not so much....
What We're Watching
Woodlands dark and days bewitched
bluesky: @b3podcast.bsky.social
B3 Episode 56 - It's our 2nd Anniversary! Plus: Silence of the Lambs!
We're 2 years old! Join our anniversary celebration while we share our 'best of's' from the past year of the podcast. Also, because it's a celebration, we discussed one of our favorite movies, Silence of the Lambs (1991). Enjoy an additional diatribe on Danny ElfMAN and Toni Collette along with dog fights happening in the background.
The Exorcist: The Series (But Ween Does NOT Recommend)
B3 Episode 55 - Exorcise This! Exorcist 3 (1990) and Dominion: The Prequel to the Exorcist (2004)
We close up Exorcise month with two disappointing (even with a Skarsgard) entries, Exorcist 3 (1990) and Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2004). Never have we experienced this much confusion in a joint viewing. Plus, it's snarky up in this piece today.
Fear of God: 25 Years of the Exorcist
Where to find us!
B3 Episode 54 - It's time to Exorcise! The Exorcist (1973) and Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
We begin Exorcise Yourself month with our guest host, Veronica of The Chick Lit Book Club Podcast, by discussing The Exorcist (1973) and Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977). While this is a long one (heh) the ladies had A LOT to say about both movies. Spoilers, Exorcist 2 is in the running for the worst movie we've ever reviewed on this podcast, and we watched Jeepers Creeper: Reborn, y'all.
Up Next: Exorcist III, Exorcist: The Beginning
Check out Veronica and Rae on the Chick Lit Book Club Podcast! And pick up Veronica's book, Meet Me At Home, here!
What we're watching:
Where to find us!
B3 Episode 53 - IT's a strong end of the month! IT: Chapter 2 (2019)
We delve into the 2nd chapter of the newest installment of the IT movie remake to finish out September. This has been an especially fun month for us and this movie is the perfect way to end it. Bill Skarsgard is once again an amazing and terrifying Pennywise and honestly, Bill Hader is just delightful.
What we're watching:
Orange Year: The Nickelodeon Years
Where to find us!
How to Find Us:
B3 Episode 52 - IT was a pretty spooky month! It, Chapter 1 (2017)
We had so much to say about the movie version of Stephen King's It that we broke it into 2 episodes!! On this episode we'll cover It, Chapter 1 (2017) with the very talented group of kid actors and the amazing Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise. This one had so many awesomely creepy scenes with amazing effects we were left speaking with Russian accents.
What We're Watching:
Where to find us!
How to Find Us:
B3 Episode 51 - IT's gonna be a great month! Stephen Kings It (1990) the OG with Tim Curry!
The ladies are relaxing this month enjoying back to school with a retrospective of the original 1990 miniseries and the remake movie of Stephen King's clown horror classic, It. Rae drools pretty heavily about 1990's John Ritter and Harry Anderson, Ween unfortunately misspoke, and the ladies might come to blows before the next episode.
Check out our Youtube! We have new reviews up all the time!
What We're Watching
Stephen King, A Necessary Evil
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 50 - We do what we want! Ready or Not (2019) and American Psycho (2000)
We are half a century! It's a milestone for us and we are celebrating with our own staff picks! Rae's chosen 2019's gory fast pasted horror comedy, Ready or Not. We love a surprise! Andie McDowell movie. Ween picks one of her favorite flicks, American Psycho (2000). We wax poetic about THAT scene, you know, bare butt, white sneaks, and a chainsaw. It's a nice comfort food ep - plus, Ween is already in. the. bag.
What we're watching (All Tubi):
Where to find us!
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 49 - We keep the Kids in Peril train a'runnin' with - Knock at the Cabin (2022) and The Black Phone (2021)
We thought, hey, why let #insidious have all the fun. We continue with the #kidsinperil month with Knock at the Cabin with the enigmatic Dave Bautista and the Black Phone with the absolutely creepy Ethan Hawke. Also discussed: punishments as children, delicious cold pickles, and Good Omens 2, baby!
What We're Watching:
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 48 - The End of Insidious Month for us! Insidious Chapter 3 (2015) and Insidious: The Last Key (2018)
We are finishing up Insidious on the main feed with Insidious: Chapter 3 and Insidious: The Last Key. This one is a tough one guys. WHO ARE THESE FOR?! Also discussed: PUPPIES!, Ween is planning for a trip, and one of our hosts is the angel of death.
What We're Watching:
Happy Happy Joy Joy: A Ren and Stimpy Story
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 47 - It's gonna be an INSIDIOUS month for us - Insidious (2010) and Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
We start our Insidious retrospective with the 2 best of the series; Insidious (2010) and Insidious (2013) both directed by James Wan. The ladies discuss when this train goes off the rails into stupid city and how up until that point it was a pretty great supernatural horror movie. Then...it becomes a community theatre production (nothing against community theatre). The ladies also discuss Who cover bands, a short tale about a man castrating himself, and an inventive way to exorcise a demon.
We also have a review of the new movie, The Blackening, over on our YouTube! Subscribe for more content!
What We're Watching:
Hillsong: A MegaChurch Exposed
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 46 - Pride Month! Nancy!...Sarah!...Nancy!...Sarah! The Craft (1996) and the covenant (2004)
We end Pride Month! with two films lacking the gay subtext we were hoping for: The Craft (1996) and The Covenant (2006). We are joined by returning guest, Will, to dive into this pile of witchery with a side order of tiny male bathing suits. Join us as we discuss why the heck these two films end up on every #queerhorrorfilmsyoushouldwatch lists and whether they live up to the hype. Also discussed, teenagers buying cigarettes, the glorious beauty that is gay male porn, and what the heck Fairuza Baulk is up to.
What We're Watching
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 45 - Pride Month! - Chock full of nude upper male torsos! - Witchboard (1986) and Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker (1981)
We are starting the best month of the year, PRIDE!, with two movies chock full of gay subtext. Sexy screaming and sexual tension in run down motels with Witchboard (1986) and homosexual stereotypes (and prejudices) run rampant with Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981). The ladies are joined by first time to B3, guest host, Lee! Discussed is the history of the Ouija (Ouijah, Ouijee) board, Rae confuses which actors from the show Newhart died in the past year, and how liquids are a GREAT conductor for spiritual energy.
What We're Watching
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 44 - It's Mall Madness May! - Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge (1989) and 8 Legged Freaks (2002) - Part 1 & 2
We're headed back for our second helping for mall madness! This time it's not as delightful as a trek - we suffer through the absolute dreck that is Phantom of the Mall: Erics Revenge and the CGI mess, 8 Legged Freaks. Also discussed: the probability of people burying empty coffins, how much martial arts can one learn in a year, and even Pauly Shore can't save everything.
What We're Watching
A Bunch of Horror Movies Leaving Tubi
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 43 - It's Mall Madness May! - Night of the Comet (1984) and Chopping Mall (1986)
Grab your legwarmers and scrunchies and get in, loser, we're going shopping! We're going back to the mall in all its brightly colored fluorescent glory. We are diving into the 1984 sci-fi thriller, Night of the Comet, and 1986, boob horror, Chopping Mall. Don't forget to check out our tv and movies reviews, Watch with Rae! on Youtube
What We're Watching
What We Do in the Shadows, tv series
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 42 - The end of the evilest month! - Evil Dead Rise (23) and Ash vs. Evil Dead S1 (2015)
We are closing up the Evilest Month with a review of the newest addition in the ED franchise, Evil Dead Rise. Prepare to be spoiled, but it's Evil Dead, man, not much to spoil. Evil...Rises... We also cover the first season of the 2015 - 2018 Starz series, Ash vs. Evil Dead, and boy oh boy..that was painful.
What We're Watching
I Like to Watch with Trixie Mattel and Katya
65 (Adam Driver Shooting Dinos)
Guest Host, Veronica (Ep 19), wrote a book! And you should read it! Meet Me At Home by Veronica Wynne
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 41 - Just the right amount of Camp - Evil Dead 2 (87) and Army of Darkness (92)
The Evilest Month rolls on as does our Evil Dead retrospective. We are sitting down to chat about the emergence or one ASH FUCKING WILLIAMS with Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. We discuss how this trilogy is literally a love letter to PostModernism in film. And the words "douched with blood" are used a number of times. Also discussed, Gustav Mahler (cuz why not), why John Oliver is the fucking GOAT, and how Ween's got sexy phlegm (and possible RSV).
What We're Watching
Last Week Tonight (in particular, the Chuck E. Cheese segment)
YouTubers Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, and Kurtis Conner
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 40 - It's the Evilest of Months! We start our celebration with Evil Dead ('81) and (2013)
Finally, we have a month of enjoyable movies for a change! We are celebrating the release of Evil Dead: Rise, with retrospective of the franchise. Starting off, we have the OG 1981 film where Ash hasn't 'Ashed' out yet and the remake where we see a #femaleash.
What a time to be alive...or dead, Evil Dead that is!
What We're Watching:
The Last of Us
Gargoyles: the animated series
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 39 - Slainte, the toast of our people - Grabbers (2012) and PlagueTown (2008)
Erin Go Bragh, dear listeners! The ladies are heading over to the emerald shores in honor of our Irish friends and family on this St. Patricks Day. Well, Ireland way of Connecticut, for the one (Plaguetown) and the Aran Islands (Grabbers). Rae has a 'grabbers' count (15?), and Plaguetown is full of people who look like people you know from the gas station. Also did you know that it's Kate Aspinwall's first film?! Exciting! Don't know who the f*&$ that is? Neither do we, but the imbd trivia and movie itself really want you to know. Good on' her.
Also discussed, the correct BJ etiquette, a new Japanese game show idea, and who can out 'brogue' one another.
Check out Rae's recent reviews of The Lair and the The Last of Us on our Youtube(@boozeboobsbloodpodcast)!
Where to Find Us
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 38 - Yes, it's ladies night! Oh what a night! St. Maud (2019) and The Babadook (2016)
We are celebrating Women's History month with an episode devoted to movies written and directed by ladies. We've been jonesing to check out St. Maud for a while and were less than enthused with what we got. Did you know Jesus spoke Welsh? We also cover Rae's least favorite horror movie, The Babadook, wherein which she screamed at her computer screen for every time that little asshole did. Seriously, nails up her spine. Also discussed, the ladies will be out and about in the area (listen to find out where), Rae's got a new tattoo, and Ween's got a new job. Don't you just love the spring?
What We're Watching
South Park
The Fabelmans
Rae's Review on Youtube! (@boozeboobsandbloodpodcast)
Where to Find Us
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B3 Ep 37 - The rise of Jean Jacket- Nope (2022) and Master (2022) - Part 2
On the second half of our wrap up of Black History Month episode, we are diving into Master (2022). While this is more psychological thriller than horror, the potential for it to be the best horror of year is off the charts, it just missed the mark. Following 2 black women at their arrival of a predominantly white elite East coast college, we discover what it feels like to not truly 'belong'. Also, this is the most that Rae screamed out in frustration during a movie in her house.
Also discussed, why every college campus has a hanged person urban legend, how many times Rae says 'fucking rich bitches' in one episode, and how far behind pop culture is she?
What we're watching/listening?
The Nerfherder Council Podcast
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 36 Part 2: We celebrate Black History Month with Jordan Peele! Get Out (2017) and Us (2019)
We have so much to say about both Get Out and Us that we needed to split it into two parts! Your earholes can thank us later.
In Part 2 we dissect Us (2019), where a family faces possibly the most terrifying foe of all..themselves. This movie is psychological horror at it's best with amazing performances from the entire cast. Special shout out to the captivating, Lupita Nyong'o, for her dual roles. The ladies also discuss the hotness that is Winston Duke (who I believe Rae calls the incorrect name because she's the fucking worst), sexy saxophone, and how quickly each lady would have peaced out of existence if this actually happened.
What We're Watching
LoveCraft Country - Free on Tubi
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 36 Part 1: We celebrate Black History Month with Jordan Peele! Get Out (2017) and Us (2019)
We have so much to say about both Get Out and Us that we needed to split it into two parts! Your earholes can thank us later. We delve into Get Out in Part 1, discussing the amazing nuances found within the film and its cultural impact not only to horror movies but the elevation of horror to acclaim status. The ladies also impart their thoughts on a silver fox B-Whitz, how we all need a friend like Rod, and the amazing acting prowess of the entire cast. Recommendations follow in part 2.
B3 Ep 35 - So I creep..yeah, just creep! Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) and uggghhhhhh Jeepers Creepers: Reborn
Hear ye! Hear ye! We have finally watched the worst movie in 2 years of podcasting! We are closing up Jeepers Creepers January with the prequel that should have been the sequel, Jeepers Creeper 3. Turns out, not half bad. Then we delve into one of the worst movies either of the ladies have seen - and Rae has seen Fateful Findings. Also discussed, Beetlejuice the Musical, Rae is finally Covid free, and one of the hosts can't drink anymore...so what a fantastic start to the new year.
What We're Watching
WHM Commentary - A Talking Cat?! and Chamber of Secretsentary which can be found by becoming a patreon.
How to Find Us:
B3 Ep 34 - Cuz I'm a Creep..I'm a Weirdo... Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2
We are creeping into 2023 with Jeepers Creepers Month! We are joined by friend of the show, Aaron, as our guest host this week while we cover Jeepers Creepers (2001) and Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003). We discuss the artistic merits of a work when the creator is a piece of garbage (look up the director).
What We are Watching:
Find Aaron's D&D Stream: Critical Misconduct, criticalmisconduct@gmail.com
How to Find Us:
B3 Episode 33 - It's a night for both Krampus (2015) and Kris Kringle (Violent Night, 2022) - LET THEM FIGHT!
Happy Holidays, dear listeners! We have quite the Christmas offering for you - the two sides of the Saint Nicholas tale: Krampus (2015) starring Toni Collette and Adam Scott and Violent Night (2022) with one sexy David Harbor in the title role of the man in the red. This is an absolute lovefest all around. The ladies exchange gifts, play a round of their new Horror Movie Trivial Pursuit and hunker down to wait out the #snowmaggedeon of 2022.
What We Are Watching:
Episode 32 - Deck the Halls with Boughs of Gremlins
Guys.... not everyone is created equal. And some of us, don’t care for Gremlins. It's natural. I can't think of fun things to write here. My cohost and I are at an impasse. I love Gremlins and she doesn't. I don't know what to say. We review and rate each one. Suck it.
B3 Ep 31 - Give Thanks! Thankskilling and Black Friday (2021)
Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Listeners! We are apologizing in advance as Rae has Bronchitis and may sound like Bea Arthur. If this does something for you...keep it to yourself. The ladies are celebrating the start of the holiday season with earth's crust level budget T-horror, Thankskilling (2008) featuring a murderous fowl named Turkie who leaves a trail of gravy flavored condoms in his wake. Then to finish off the month, we're throwing elbows to get our hands on the biggest toys of the season with 2021's Black Comedy, starring Devon Sawa and Bruce Campbell.
What We're Watching
B3 Ep 30: It's a Found Footage Thanksgiving! Alien Abduction: An Incident in Lake County and The Visit
What springs to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Turkeys, stuffing, family, football, maybe? Well, we bring you good tidings of aliens, naked old lady wall scratching, and adult diapers filled with crazy goodness with this first installment of our #Thanksgiving month. We are reviewing an amuse-bouche of found footage goodies for this holiday season: Alien Abduction: An Incident in Lake County (1998) and The Visit (2015). We discuss Ween's hatred of found footage, Rae's love of it, why certain jump scares work, and why we want to personally thank Gen-Z for doing a job.
What We're Watching:
Interview with Mark Hartley, Director of Girl At the Window
Rae's sits down with Mark Hartley, Director of upcoming Aussie film, Girl At the Window, which releases Friday (11/4). They discuss filming during lockdown, ozplotation, and his approach to filmmaking.
Find Girl At the Window streaming on Amazon and in theatres, November 4th.
B3 Ep 29 -The Ouroboros Episode - Part 2 - Halloween Ends
While we close #spookyseason out on a high note, we are joined by none other than #trueblood sister of Ween, Scarlet, for our reviews of Halloween Ends. Please enjoy our IN DEPTH analysis of this move.
B3 Ep 29 -The Ouroboros Episode - Part 1 - Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
While we close #spookyseason out on a high note, we are joined by none other than #trueblood sister of Ween, Scarlet, for our reviews of Halloween 3: Season of the Witch and Halloween Ends. We decided after recording that we had A LOT to say about Halloween Ends that we broke it into two eps. Please thank your earballs for that one.
B3 Ep 28 - Society (1989) and Contagion (1987) - It's our Podaversary! 1st year is the gift of What the Actual F*ck?!
On our second installment to celebrate our podcast anniversary, we have gifted each other a movie that leaves you asking the question, What the actual fuck, guys? Ween's selection is the 1987 Ozsplotation film, Contagion, starring people you've never seen before and never will again - I bet you don't even know how to threefold path, do you? Rae's is providing another disgusting comedic romp with her selection of Brian Yuzna's 1989, Society. All you need to know is "the smell of the hunt and the taste of the shunt". Also discussed, script Ohio, our advance screening of Halloween Ends, and we got 965Million problems but AJ isn't one of them.
We'd like to send a shout out to Haunted House Restaurant in Cleveland Heights for the tickets! Please stop by and try out their amazing food and drinks - you'll have a scaringly good time!
What we're watching (or listening to)
B3 Ep 27 - IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY MONTH, Y'ALL! DeadAlive and Cannibal: The Musical
It's Ben..... a year since we started this whole thing and it's been quite the journey. We are taking a break from themes to celebrate with our own recommendations for one another. For this episode, Rae's pick was her favorite horror movie, 1992 Dead Alive (Brain Dead) by Peter Jackson. Have you ever gag laughed? If not, you will. Ween's selection is Cannibal: The Musical from the folks that brought us South Park - Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Disclaimer: the ladies are really singy tonight. Also discussed: horror trivia, Rae being a creep, and some of our superlatives from the past year.
What We're Watching:
B3 Ep 26 - The Queen Bee of Remake Month - It's the Wicker Man, y'all
Rae is bereft as to have never watching this movie before. To finish off this Remake Month we are doing 1973 and 2006, The Wicker Man. Rae's got sound bites, Ween's got stand goals; overall, it's time to keep your appointment with the Wicker Man. Also discussed, the new Little Mermaid trailer (and tears), drag shows, and OMG, we are both excited for next month. SPOOKY SEASON IS UPON US, Y'ALL!!
What We're Watching:
B3 Ep 25 - It's REMAKE MONTH! We dissect The Crazies ('73) & ('10)
We've decided to run a remake month! Now and again we'd like to draw comparisons between original works and their remakes; has the remake elevated the source material or come up short? For this selection, it's an automatic upgrade from 70's hair guy to Timothy fucking Olyphant with The Crazies. Not only do you have more money but better material to support your social themes. Plus, is this AJ's wet dream? Quite possibly. Also discussed: barcades, baller Spirit Halloween employees, and how one time Rae drove her car off a car wash track.
What We're Watching:
B3 Ep 24 - All American B Movie Month - It's a Double Creature Feature! Humanoids from the Deep & Swamp Thing!
We close out All American B Movie Month with two 80's classics, Humanoids from the Deep (1980) and Swamp Thing (1982). While both feature slimy water based creatures trying to get off with buxom ladies, only one can truly be classified as a horror movie. Also, Ray Fucking Wise. Those eyes! That smirk! We're in love.
Also discussed: pickle embargoes, local haunted houses, and Script Ohio. Also, if any of our NEO listeners have recommendations for local haunted attractions this spooky season - send us a line at boozeboobsandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
What We're Watching
B3 Episode 23 - All American B Movie Month! - Killer Klowns from Outer Space & The Toxic Avenger
We open All American B Movie Month with two 80's classics: Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1989) and The Toxic Avenger (1984). One of us had a little more fun than the other this time around. Also discussed: Rae screams about AJ, Ween offers up a new euphemism for a certain sex act, and we discover that everybody's been saying the word 'documentary' wrong all along.
What We're Watching
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 22 - The Last Day of Summer Camp or Welcome to our Todd Talk
It's time to pack up the bug spray, sleeping bags, and non-lubricated condoms and head back home. We are closing #SummerCampExtravaganza with Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland (1989) and The Burning (1981). The ladies discuss how we really need to find a better word to replace 'peeping tom', how no one in 80's horror movies wears bras in the woods, and there are some truths to many urban legends. Also discussed ad nauseum: Todd the sexy camp counselor with an affinity for Canadian tuxedos.
What We're Watching
Don't F*ck with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
Where to Find Us:
It's hot, it's humid, its fraught with sexual tension....it's our homage to the wet hot American tradition of the summer camp! We are honoring this tradition with two selections from the camp killer genre with Sleepaway Camp 1 &2! We discuss what the f$#@ is up with Aunt Martha, mullets, and ball-hugging short shorts. Everyone looks like they're 45 but playing 16, plus one underage counselor is trying to sex up a septuagenarian. Also discussed: heavy on the pickle dialogue, watching porn with your parents, and the ladies doing horrible Mae West impressions.
What We're Watching:
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 20 - Fear No Evil (1981) & NOES 2: Freddy's Revenge
Disclaimer: We had some serious mic issues this week. For those of you who love the dulcet tones of Ween, you will be extremely happy. If Rae's voice annoys the crap out of you - you are also in luck.
We close out #GayPride2022 with another magnificent guest! Our buddy Will joins us to decipher whatever is the hell is happening in Fear No Evil (1981) and assists us in determining how exactly gay Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge is. Spoiler alert: pretty frickin' gay. So get ready, it's getting really sing-y tonight!
What we're watching:
The Last Drive in with Joe Bob Briggs
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 19 - It's Pride Month! The Old Dark House & Bride of Frankenstein
It's our favorite month of the year, outside of Halloween, here at the B3 Podcast -- It's PRIDE! We also have the honor of celebrating this special month with our first guest, Veronica from The Chick Lit Book Club Podcast! We are covering James Whale's horror classics, The Old Dark House (1932) and Bride of Frankenstein (1935). The ladies break down queer film theory, the Hays Code, and sing way too many show tunes along the way. Also Veronica has a gift for the B3 ladies, and Rae is ashamed to have forgotten the name of Salacious B. Crumb - the B stands for Bodacious.
Check out The Chick Lit Book Club Podcast
What We're Watching
Citations for this episode:
Lake, J., 2022. [Feature] "We Don’t Belong Dead!"; A Definitive Reclamation Of James Whale’s Bride of Frankenstein — Gayly Dreadful -- Bursting out of your closet with the latest horror reviews. [online] Gayly Dreadful -- Bursting out of your closet with the latest horror reviews. Available at: <https://www.gaylydreadful.com/blog/we-dont-belong-dead-a-definitive-reclamation-of-james-whales-bride-of-frankenstein> [Accessed 12 June 2022].
Michael Laplace‐Sinatra (1998) Science, gender and otherness in Shelley's Frankenstein and Kenneth Branagh's film adaptation, European Romantic Review, 9:2, 253-270, DOI: 10.1080/10509589808570051
Helford, E. (2022). Queering Classic Hollywood: James Whale and the Queer Delights of “The Old Dark House” | Read | The Take. Retrieved 12 June 2022, from https://the-take.com/read/queering-classic-hollywood-james-whale-and-the-queer-delights-of-the-old-dark-house
Newell, C. (2020). A Bumpy Road Of Queer Gothic Resistance From The Old Dark House To The Rocky Horror Picture Show [Blog]. Retrieved from https://www.gaylydreadful.com/blog/pride-2020-a-bumpy-road-of-queer-gothic-resistance-from-the-old-dark-house-to-the-rocky-horror-picture-show
B3 Episode 18 - Memorial Day Horror
We are remembering the armed forces with 2 World War II selections: Overlord (2018) and Shadow in the Cloud (2020). One of these films is highly superior, we'll let you figure out on your own which is which.
What We're Watching:
Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark
Where to Find Us:
B3 Does a Commentary! Fangoria Chainsaw Awards 2022
The ladies have moved to the medium of video for this extra special episode of the Booze, Boobs, and Blood Podcast. We are talking along with @Shudder's Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. Not only will your earballs be subject to our nonsense, but your eyeballs too!
B3 Episode 17 - TCM 2022 and Men, Women, and Chainsaws Introspective
We now have another franchise under our belts, guys! We finish this run of Texas Chainsaw Massacre retrospective with the latest offering from David Blue Garcia and Fede Alverez. Spoiler alert: both hosts liked it very much.
We rank TCM movies and spend a good portion of the podcast discussing Carol J. Clover's fantastic book, "Men, Women, and Chainsaws".
What We're Watching:
The Last Drive In w/ Joe Bob Briggs - The Girl Who Lived Down The Lane
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 16 - Leatherface (2017) and TCM 3D - Sexy Dishwasher Repairman
We are nearing the end of our TCM retrospective! We're rounding third with our reviews of Leatherface and Texas Chainsaw 3D. Which one of these films does not need to exist? Hypothetically, neither, but one REALLY is worthless. We also discuss very specific sexy halloween costumes, hot carls, and prepare your ears, because we're really sing-y tonight.
What We're Watching:
The Last Drive In w/ Joe Bob Briggs
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 15 - Leatherface Origins - TCM The Next Gen & Origins
The light at the end of the tunnel - We can see it! Rounding the corner on the the TCM franchise. We're delving into the utter madness that is TCM: The Next Generation (or as Rae calls it: The New Batch) and the okay TCM: The Beginning. The ladies delve into excoriating Michael Bay and also lusting after Matthew McConaughey's butt in a Time to Kill. So you know, just another usual week at the B3 HQ.
What We're Watching:
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
We will be joining the Ta2Squid Podcast this week - the ep will drop the week of 4/22!
Where to Find Us:
B3 Episode 14 - Well, you'll never guess...
what we've got here.
What We're Watching
B3 Episode 13 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 & 3 - Leatherface in a monocle
The ladies dive ever deeper into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise with 1986's Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and 1990's Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. #2 stars the we don't really know what he's doing here, Dennis Hopper and #3 introduces Viggo Mortensen and the wonderful Ken Foree. Neither lady can decide which film is worse, so you know they're going to detour from talking about the movies as much as possible. Also discussed, BRAZOS!, the attractiveness of a 1990's Mr. Foree, and what would happen if Leatherface drank the brain potion from Gremlins 2.
What We're Watching
B3 Episode 12 - The Final Girl Starts Here
The ladies start Women's History Month with a retrospective of Texas Chainsaw Massacre; which is the first instance of the 'Final Girl'. Read along with Ween and Rae as they make their way through Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Carol J. Clover. On this episode, the ladies discuss the original 1974 TCM and the 2003 remake. Spoiler alert: they liked it!
Up Next: TCM 2 and Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
What We're Watching:
B3 Ep 11 - Say My Name, Say My Name...it's Candyman: Carnival of Souls or something..
The ladies are closing out their celebration of Black History month by covering Candyman 3: Day of the Dead and Nia DeCosta's completion of the series, Candyman (2021). It gets real serious on this one, guys. Also discussed, why did Jerry Seinfeld's Bee want to have sex with Renee Zellweger, and we give Ween props for making it through a Bee-haters Defcon 5 of a franchise. Also, long live male skinny jeans!
P.S. if anyone has a line on that amazing Tony Todd portrait from Candyman3, hit Rae up.
What We're Watching:
B3 Ep 10 - Say farewell to this flesh, it's Candyman 1 & 2
The ladies celebrate Black History month by delving into one of the most iconic horror villains, Candyman, or Daniel Robitaille, played by the exceptional and memorable Tony Todd, Shocker: its an absolute love fest this week. The ladies also discuss Ween's fear of a certain flying insect, Rae's absolute willingness to go anywhere with Candyman, and how one action can lose us in a movie completely (we're looking at you, Paul, with those fish bones)!
What We're Watching:
Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror
B3 Episode 9 - Do You Have the Time to Listen to (Ween) Whine? - Basketcase 1&2
On this weeks episode the ladies finish up #NewYorksEve month with Frank Hennenlotter's exploitation classic franchise, Basket Case 1 & 2. What can be said about a murderous sentient ballsack with arms that gets more trim than Leonardo DiCaprio at fashion week? The ladies discuss the usage of horrific sound effects, a bit of exploitation film history, and how many things Belial can be compared to. Also, Mutant Roll Call!
What We're Watching
American Movie w/Commentary (We Hate Movies)
B3 Episode 8 - C.H.U.Ds be CHUDin'
The ladies start New York's Eve (Sorry, Ween) month with a travel back in time to 1980's NYC with 1984's C.H.U.D. Because that acronym stood for more than one thing in this movie, the true meaning will be left a mystery. They also discuss 1989's C.H.U.D 2: Bud the Chud wherein which the term 'CHUD' can be used as a verb, noun, adjective, etc. Let's say that one of our team enjoyed CHUD2 more than the other. The ladies also discuss a number of 'that guys' in Hollywood and the definition of an Awesomely Bad Movie and a Badly Awesome Movie.
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Email: Boozeboobsandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
B3 Episode 7 - The Call Is Coming From Inside the House - Black Christmas (74) and (2019)
Tis' the Season for flesh cookies and sexism. For our Christmas themed episode we are covering Bob Clarke's masterpiece, Black Christmas (1974) and Blumhouse's abominable 2019 'remake'. Our own Rae gives a 10 minute synopsis of the 2006 version and what part actually made her gag. The ladies discuss places to hide your liquor, John 'Sexy' Saxon, and how a movie that bares absolutely no resemblance to it counterparts can be deemed a remake. Buckle up, listeners. Also, Happy Holidays!
B3 Episode 6 - Let's Finish On A High Note
On this weeks episode we are covering David Gordon Green and Co's Halloween 2018 and Halloween Kills and after last episode and the pure vitriol that was raging through us, this was a delicious digestif. We celebrate the return of the powerhouse that is Jamie Lee Curtis to the franchise and wax poetic about the amazing Judy Greer. At the conclusion of our review of this franchise, these two movies perfectly thread the loop and present a perfect homage to Halloween 1978 and the silent, unknown, random killer. Also, we SPOIL the shit out of these movies, so please be aware!
B3 Episode 5 - The Movies That Break Us
Listeners, it almost happened. Rob Zombie almost ruined the podcast. The ladies discuss Halloween (2007) and Halloween 2 (2009) and at a number of times almost quit the podcast. What makes Rob the biggest hypocrite regarding his view of cameos? What's with the stupid white horse? Why is everyone so dirty?! These topics are covered however, its debatable as to whether any real conclusions are reached.
B3 Episode 4 - Are we almost done with this Sh*t...we're not?!
On this episode the ladies finish up the original series with Halloween H20 and Resurrection (Erection). I don't know if fun was had by either party on this one. A little time is spent on the lack of diversity and representation in Hollywood and some wonderful documentary offerings.
We rank the original series and Rae surprises no one with her trash rankings.
B3 Episode 3 - The Dumpster Fire that is Halloween 6
There is no Baby Paul Rudd saving this piece of dreck. The ladies lose their minds attempting to make sense of this last installment in the Thorn trilogy. They also discuss if having a sweet ass jeep saves Tommy Doyle from being murdered, the last appearance of Dr. 'Waves a gun at kids' Loomis, and omg, Michael Myers knocked up a teenager. They also posit ways in which this film could have been saved. Spoiler: it can't. Rae still recommends it because she has awful taste.
B3 Episode 2 - It Is What It Is...
We tried to tackle Halloween 4, 5, and 6 in one episode but we were unprepared for the dumpster fire that is part 6. We discuss the switching of Lindsay and Tina, why all the men in this franchise are the friggin' worst, how much therapy poor Jaime Lloyd will need, and what is this cult of Thorn leading to? Spoiler: it ain't pretty. Also, it gets really sing-ey tonight.
B3 Episode 1 - We're Doing This Thing!
We are two ladies who love drinking and talking about horror movies. We've started this adventure with a seminole horror double feature John Carpenter's Halloween and Halloween 2. The ladies discuss a little production history and the impression Michael Myers has left on the cultural zeitgeist. Also discussed is the first appearance of the 'scary movies rules', the legend of the final girl, and why Halloween 2 almost singlehandedly destroys what feminist ground Halloween 1 achieves.